$44.00 USD or more

Learn to Read the Mirror of Reality

Move from Victim to Creator and witness yourself able to easily navigate life’s challenges by learning to Read your Reality.  Deliver to yourself deep insight and clarity, everlasting trust and see what you magnetize into your reality in near real time. 



Manifestation is an art form, and your life is the canvas awaiting your dreams and aspirations to be painted upon it. Yet, it goes beyond simply making wish lists and waiting for the universe to grant your every request. Enter the realm of the mirror of reality, a conversation with the world around you that reveals the clues to the obstacles hindering your progress. 

Develop the skill of reading reality and discerning the reflections of distortions in your life. Treat these reflections as valuable insights, mining them like precious gold to clear away any barriers between you and the fulfillment of your desires. As you learn to interpret these cues, your perception of reality undergoes a profound transformation. You gain the ability to see the distortions not only in your own life but also in the lives of others, empowering you to choose a different path—one free from struggle, lack, and confusion.

Explore the profound connection between your intuition and the manifestation of your desires, to consciously direct your creation and bring your dreams into tangible existence.


  • Wants to amplify your abilities in manifestation and create a life that aligns with your highest potential
  • Want to become more intuitive and learn how to read the synchronicities, signs and cues from reality 
  • Want to become a more empowered participant in your life adventure
  • Want to gain clarity on your true desires and purpose in life
  • Deepen your relationship with yourself as the creator of your reality
  • Want to leave a life of obstacles and challenges and live in triumphs and realizations
  • Wants to experience less anxiety, limitation, stress, and confusion and difficulty making decisions 
  • Depart from a sense of uncertainty and fear of making the wrong choices
  • Want to have deepened confidence and clarity in the direction of your life.

You will Leave Behind: 

  • Anxiety or any fear of the unknown
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Worry from the past or “Need to Do’s” for the future
  • The need to “Fix” 
  • Subconscious Beliefs that block your dream reality
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Overthinking, cyclical patterns of uncertainty
  • Lack of focus and stress
  • A desire for Social isolation from fear of judgment or rejection.
  • Anxiety, limitation, stress, and confusion which can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, and difficulty sleeping.