I see you Trailblazer..........

You are unlike any other—one of a kind. But until you shed the stories you've been carrying, alongside the rest of society, you're no different from anyone else. Deep inside, you know you're meant for something greater.

Let’s walk you there. Its time to become a Leveraged Leader, and claim your Legacy. 

Start your Legacy

What Is True Power, and Where Is It Born?

You were born both powerful and powerless—a perfect balance. Every moment since has been a dance to restore that equilibrium. True power is not sought—it is owned. Those who are truly powerful don’t chase external validation; they are sourced from within and navigate life's challenges with a perfect blend of inner authority and trust.


Here’s the Truth: The core wounds you've carried are the keystone to everything you desire. They aren't roadblocks—they are the gateways to your greatest authority, success, and recognition.

My name is Alana Aviel,

I serve Leaders & Trailblazers, to activate their life's work. 

I’ve designed a proven system to help you step into your true authority by transforming your core wounds into your greatest strengths.  I bring to light what’s caused you to retreat into silence and waiting games, and I show you how to use those very challenges as fuel for your leadership and success. We clear the obstacles that have been distorting your understanding of your core offers and we illuminate your life's work. 


Unlock your Impact



LIVE Group Experience, with Direct Support & Masterclass Teachings

Expand your divine toolset, accelerate your awareness and experience your true self, with fellow seekers and masters.
Classes are packed with content ranging from Quantum Physics, Alchemy, The Tantra and so much more, we dive into profound practices to clear obstacles, provide deep personal insight and activate limitless freedom and expression. 
Members in our classes get first hand support and teachings as well as the opportunity to witness the unfurling of challenge for fellow community members. Its my belief that healing, evolving and growing is meant to be done in community. 
The pursuit of personal awareness is the path to a freedom that is priceless. We invite you to soar amongst the stars and witness your greatest self with the community you have been looking for. 
Join for only 44/mo

True Leadership is Leveraged

Every leader begins with a core wound—a deep emotional or psychological challenge formed through early experiences of pain, abandonment, rejection, or insecurity. These wounds, if left unhealed, often become barriers to personal growth, limiting how we engage with others and the world. In the Leveraged Leader process, you will identify your core wound and recognize how it is uniquely designed to activate your greatest gifts.

For you if...

  • You are an aspiring leader ready to eliminate self-doubt and step into personal clarity.
  • You want to harness your creativity and bring your vision to the masses.
  • You’re tired of feeling stuck and want to break through stagnation and blocks.
  • You crave the recognition you deserve and want to be seen and honored for your true gifts.
  • You’re a multi-potentialite who wants to unify your talents into a powerful offer that creates real change.

Common Blocks for Aspiring Leaders:

  • Self-Doubt and Invisibility: Feeling overlooked and unheard.
  • Unresolved Core Wounds: Unhealed emotional blocks like denial or betrayal preventing your full expression.
  • Fear of Being Seen: Struggling with imposter syndrome, constantly waiting for external validation.
  • Overdoing and Burnout: Relying on hustle instead of alignment, leading to exhaustion.

You are not meant to stay in the shadows. You are meant to be a leader, a speaker, a visionary, a creator. You are a destiny unfolding.

It is three Steps to Activate.......


Clues are streaming at you in real time.  Clues are both seen and unseen. Seen clues are in words that you say, in the way that you describe your life, in the way that you interact with the public and your loved ones, as well as how you relate to your reality and your circumstances.  Your hero's journey, the challenges, blocks and battles are the codes to your life's work. 


Authority is shown, not spoken. It doesn’t come from empty achievements or ticking off the boxes of success. It comes from embodying the very lessons your core wound is here to teach you. Harness your core wound to create an authentic voice that cuts through noise and speaks directly to the hearts of those you are meant to lead.  Transform life’s challenges—especially in business—into the fuel that propels your mission forward, aligned with your true self. Allow your greatest offer to emanate from your soul, unmitigated.


You are now unleashed, and ready to amplify your impact.  You now naturally attract those you are meant to serve. Your creative expression and vision will flow effortlessly, and you will lead from a place of true alignment. Uncover that authentic voice that cuts through noise and speaks directly to the hearts of those you are meant to lead. 

Start your Legacy

What to Expect

  • Deep self-reflection and understanding of your core wound and shadow archetype.
  • Tools and practices to break through the masks of avoidance or disconnection.
  • Guided steps toward embodying your transformed archetype and identifying your life's work.
  • Real-life applications to integrate your transformation into your leadership roles, whether in personal relationships, career, or community.
  • Leverage for Next Level Influence and Authority to hold space for those you serve and to scale your impact.  

The challenges you've faced are not random—they’re part of the design. Your hero's journey shows you your true capacity, so you can rise and lead despite the odds. These challenges aren’t meant to mute your voice but to amplify it.

Turn your Soul's Burdens into Blessings

I had hit what many would call the jackpot—my dream of a solo art show in NYC was a huge success. It was everything I had worked for, everything I thought would bring me fulfillment. Yet, in the midst of my triumph, I felt empty and dead inside. The success didn’t fulfill the deep yearning I had expected it would.

It was in this void that I retreated into the forest, seeking answers beyond the surface of life, to understand the true operating system of reality. What I discovered wasn’t just for myself—it was a profound truth: I was meant to teach others how to decode reality creation itself.

However, there was a bitter realization waiting for me. I learned that most people didn’t want the power of reality creation—they preferred to remain disempowered and trapped in victimhood. But amid this disillusionment, I also discovered that the born leaders, the ones truly meant to step into their greatness, were unknowingly screaming the clues to break free from their reality prisons. The key to their liberation, I realized, lay in their core wounds.

And then the final puzzle piece fell into place. I saw clearly that my own core wound—the one I had been blind to—was the very keystone I had been trying to show myself all along. My core wound was denial. This is why I could help others grow into their success but struggled to grow myself. I could lead people to access everything they wanted, yet I denied my own deepest desires.

This realization allowed me to finally see how core wounds function, why they exist, and that they are not obstacles, but the very thing that mint true leaders into their greatness and transmute their wounds into power, success, and fulfillment.

Imagine Feeling:

  • Naturally Respected and Seen: For the leader you are, where clients and peers deeply resonate with your core genius.
  • Authentic and Aligned: Thriving in a business that allows you to lead from your true self.
  • Powerfully Expressive: Your natural voice and passion capturing the attention you deserve.
  • Flowing and Fulfilled: A life aligned with your soul’s purpose, where success is a natural byproduct of your authentic expression.
  • Clear Understanding of Who you Came Here To Be, how to share it, grow it and amplify it. 

“Alana is a change maker, supporting and guiding you to break free of limitations and move into your truest and most authentic version of yourself. Listening to her speak and being in conversation with her encourages a deep complementation on the nature of reality and our relationship with the divine. She has a beautiful way of creating a space of deep, exquisite unfoldment on topics to do with the nature of what it means to be having a human experience, and the nature of the soul. She does this in such a supportive, playful and lighthearted way, and yet also, with a great deal of depth. Alana is a deeply supportive, compassionate lightworker who sees you as you truly are, in all your divine majesty. She poses deep, inspiring questions and a way of perceiving the ubiquitous nature of the divine that facilitates expansion and growth in a beautiful, creative and joyful way and supports you to expand, contemplate and be in an place of awareness where you can live in greater alignment with your souls path and in relationship with the divine.”


“Alana has a beautiful approach of taking relevant and specific facets of life situations, then combining her knowledge and actual experience into a fresh and vital way of viewing this world and our place in it and within our selves. Alana's topics are always salient and resonant with my life and help me to make immediate changes in the way I view, feel and approach any situation. She never dictates the path, but mindfully guides me to find the answers within. I leave her sessions feeling completely upgraded and invigorated. She masterfully balances sharing her earned wisdom with posing pointed questions back to her audience to maximize the impact. I carry multiple lessons and phrases from her sessions around with me, using them confidently in various life situations. As a reminder, I use this mantra in moments of challenge, "what would Alana say", to help me center and navigate. Alana is the Queen of spiritual mic drops. She often pauses after or repeats her words slowly, so the meaning and impact truly sets in. Alana's teachings don't need to be written down and studied, they need to be embraced, practiced, and embodied. Thank you, Alana!”
-Chris Campbell
"Alana operates from the highest space of love - she has an incredible gift to be able to reflect to you your true greatness and illuminate the fullness of your potential. Every conversation with her is a journey into expansion, and she holds an infinite space for exploration of wonder and possibility. This has the power to shift you to the highest space of joy.
For me personally, I feel like I have been able to access parts of myself and my knowing that have previously been unable to access, and to be able to articulate all the things I know on a deep, deep level. Being in the space she creates is a true soul return for me. Every word lights the cells of my being. 
What that creates in your life is a deep sense of trust in your divine connection and a playfulness for the game that is this human experience, enabling you to glide through life with lightness and ease.
She is truly extraordinary, with an unshakeable vision and a pure heart. Expect to be held with utmost care, carried on infinite wisdom and guided through expansive multi-dimensional journeys that will open your heart and transform your life experience.``


"Like many of us humans, I’ve been feeling anxious, lost and a bit without purpose these past couple of years. After just one session working with Alana, I felt more like myself than I have in years. Right away, she helped me to cut through all of the clutter (fear, confusion, false identities, etc.) that has accumulated in my psyche over the years to help me remember who I am.  She serves it up from her heart in the most REAL way and is truly gifted at reacquainting people with their soul — with their most authentic selves. "

Lisa H.

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